Adagio. A dance designed particularly to enable a ballerina, generally assisted by a male partner, to display her grace, sense of line, and perfect balance. Also a generic term for a series of exercises designed to develop grace, sense of line, and balance.
Arabesque. A pose in which the dancer raises one leg, with the knee straight, directly behind the body.
Attitude. A pose in which the dancer raises one leg directly behind the body with the knee bent at a right angle. The knee is then as high as or higher than the foot, and the foot points to the dancer's side.
Ballerina. A principal woman dancer of a ballet company; prima ballerina, the star dancer.
ballet blanc, or white ballet. A ballet in which the dancing is considered purely classical.
Ballon. The ability to hold a pose in the air.
Barre. A wooden pole, usually fixed horizontally to a wall, that dancers hold for support in certain exercises.
Choreographer. A person who composes ballets or other dances.
Corps de ballet. Those dancers who perform only in the group numbers.
Danseur. A male dancer; premier danseur, the star male dancer.
Danseuse. A female dancer.
Divertissement. A group of short dances inserted in a classical ballet. They usually have little to do with the plot.
Entrechat. A jump in which one feet crosses in front of the other and then behind while the dancer is in the air. Entrechats are numbered from deux to dix (two to ten) according to the number of movements performed, with each crossing of the legs counted as two movements.
Fouett'e. A turn in which the dancer, standing on one foot, uses the other leg in a circular whiplike motion to pull the body.
Jet'e. A jump from one leg to the other; grand jet'e, a great jump.
Maitre de ballet, or ballet master. A person, generally associated with a specific company, who composes ballets and other dances and who is responsible for the training of dancers and the maintenance of their technique.
Pas. A single step or combination of steps forming a dance; pas de deux, a dance for two persons that in classical ballet has an adagio, in which the male dancer supports the ballerina in slow movements; a solo dance for each; and a coda, or ending, in which the couple dance apart and together with all their technical skill.
Pirouette. A complete turn on one foot, with the swing of an arm providing the force.
plie'. A full bending of the knees in any of the five positions. In all positions but second and fourth ouverte the heels will come off the ground; demi-pli'e, a half-bending of the knees without raising the heels off the ground at any time.
Port de bras. A generic term for a group of exercises designed to make the arms move gracefully. The term also refers to any specific movement of the arms.
What kinds of moves can I put in my ballet dance?performing art center ballet is gay
What kinds of moves can I put in my ballet dance?theatre tickets opera theater
Love movies.
invent something. the audience and the judges love something new and original!
To Kick_***_...BALLET IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am skinny because I do it! if it weren't for my burning so many calories I'd be FAT! maybe you are because you just don't wanna get up and move around because you're so lazy and you think ballet is gay! I am a girl by the way. For the person who asked this question: I think you should try some modern moves, get a modern teacher/choreographer to help you incorporate it into classical ballet.
Try something different, like a fast, funky beat, but a ballet dance, or something that keeps every one speechless, like anita did in so you thinkyou can dance. But if the music is already chosen then try putting in some of the following:
Divertissement: a short semi part of a dance that sort of have a change of music.
Port de Bras: A graceful set of arm movment often with eiver no or little leg work.
Jetes: Leaps, like Grond jetes(split leaps) and tour Jetes
i think entrechat twas are great in ballet pieces!!!
try some complex jumping phrases,, with low jetes and soubresauts and entrechats...and assembles with brushes it makes it all more interesting.
penches are always pretty ;)
try doing just an intricate motion of body directions flip from croise devant to efface or croise derrierre on the opposite side
i %26lt;3 piquesmyself!!
hope this helps you!!