We are starting out science projects soon .. does anyone know of any good experimental questions that would be like easy to research or fun?? Maybe somthing about pointe and turning?
A science fair project that has to do with ballet?chinese theater
If you and your friends wear different brand of ballet slippers you can measure which one is the least slippery. Or maybe you can compare old to new. You will need (a) a bunch of shoes (b) a bag of sand, approx 2 lbs, or 1 kg. (c) a slippery board (d) a protractor.
Place the shoe in question on the board, put the bag of sand on top, start rising one end of the board till the shoe starts slipping down the slope, measure the angle. You can calculate the coefficient of static friction from this.
For a scientific experiment, you should test only one parameter while others remain the same. This is why I suggested to use the same bag of sand for every shoe.
Opening and closing ones arms is a good illustration to the subject of rotational motion, but it's hard to quantify. One reason - you're very much dependent on the "human factor", i.e. on how consistently the person performs a turn. There are too many things that can affect the experiment, including the skill of the dancer.
You can experimentally determine which type of chips (or other type of food) contain more calories. You can compare different groups, too. Like 10 grams of nuts to 10 grams of potato chips. You can make all sorts of diet-related conclusions.
A science fair project that has to do with ballet?opera mini opera theater
Maybe something that has to do with
1. different drinks( Gatorade,water propel) and performance quality.
2. turning properties like (even though the answer is obvious) will u turns better more open or more closed.
3. Or u could poll people about which shoes they like for a psychology project
Maybe something about the physics of turning(pirouettes)?We talked about that in my summer intensive this year.
Or something about balancing or how we manage to stay en pointe and not kill ourselves?
something about how being on pointe before your kneees are ready is good
try turning in differnt types of shoes: pointe,ballet,jazz,socks...etc; and see which makes it easier and gives you the best turns.
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