He's stronger and in better shape than I am. To the guy that said "gay", ask Mikhail Barishnikov about it. Dancing ballet is incredibly athletic. If you don't believe me, try toe dancing with 3 foot leaps for 3 hours and see if you can do it. My guess is that you probably couldn't do it if your life depended on it.
WHAT DO you think of a man who dance ballet?greek theater
He sure must have a lot of strength.
WHAT DO you think of a man who dance ballet?performing arts show opera theater
they have incredible bodies... but I think most of them are gay or womanizers...
If no man danced ballet then there would be just women up on that stage, and how well would a production of "The Nutcracker Suite" be if that happened?
Sexy and in good shape...not always gay. Look at Barisnakov (he even had a part as Kerry's boyfriend on Sex %26amp; the City).
Buns of steel.
talented and could be gay
Never thought about it, not my scene. Mine is blues music and punk rock, not so much dance.
Sexy, Flexible, Sensitive, and Strong.
Lynn Swan was one of the best receivers in football and he took ballet to become more graceful. You can see it when you see highlight reels of him playing for the Pittsburg Steelers - and I doubt seriously that he's gay.
Someone's really, really desperate
well i think they should be pretty fit and fine people. they should have those muscular and toned up bodies. escpecially the upper arms, shoulders and calvess... god.
other than, the question that a lot of people would come up with is their sex orientation. perhaps because the word dance is more oftenly associated more with females and their feminism. and its strange for dominant sex (males) to choose to dive into a softer world.
otherwise, open-minded people wont think negatively. everyone can do everything they want. this is 2006-nearly-2007, its a free country.
Ballet is an art and he is earning a living.
I guess he loves to dance....duh.
I am going to Tip Toe and Dance around this answer - perhaps he is light in the loafers but " there is nothing wrong with it"
I think the gay thing is largely an American thing, in Russia being a male ballet dancer is probably quite respected.
its not nessesarily gay if a man is gifted enough to be a ballet dancer more power too him, i hate stereo types people are too quick to judge.
Baryshnikov was a great ballet dancer, and alot of pro football players have taken ballet to improve their mobility on the field.
nice body and he might be gay but if he walks like he got some sugar in his tank then he's gay, but if not maybe that is a passion of his.
I would question the sexuality of anyone (male or female) who is in the dance/ entertainment field. I'd think that regardless of their sexual orientation, that a man in the ballet would be physically fit, self confident, graceful, coordinated, intune with his feminie side, secure in his manhood, and probably an a** to die for.
Good for him. Another thing... I don't know if it would be as fun to see women lifting women. I think some people might have a problem with that... like, OMG, are they like LESBIANS??
Sofa king gay.
Very skilled, and almost always gay.
he must be gay
Swishy... Richard Simmons kinda guy...
you can guarentee he is great in the sack ;) but most likely gay. But very nice body and he will know how to use it...
Gaydar alert.....whooop.....whooopp....incoming homosexuality detected.....alert....alert......
Unless he thinks it's the only way he can get chicks, but man, you'd have to be pretty desperate to do that.
They would be popular in prison
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