Saturday, December 5, 2009

What means ballet for you?

Discipline, dedication, balance %26amp; fabulous muscle tone!!!

What means ballet for you?theater seating

boring.....sorry but it is true ;)

What means ballet for you?lyric opera opera theater

A graceful and creative art, considering the fact that I danced for 4 years.
its means that you have to wear a ballet outfit and ballet shoes that are really uncomferbule trust me it is but its a nice class to take if your little sister wants to take it. Its a great thing to do when you little thats what i think
What means ballet? Well, I admire the strength and stamina that a ballet dancer has to have, but I don't really like ballet. It's too boring for me. I prefer the excitement of ballroom dancing.
i love it!

i danced scince i was 5(ballet) till i was 10 then i stoped for about 3 years now im dancing ballet again! im not at the right level(i should be on pointe) but im getting there!

*well ya*

wonderful, beautiful, my life

it means soo much to me i've been doing for nine years
graceful and beatuiful. i love it and its definetly not boring. It takes a lot of work but i will never quit. i cant wait till im in pointe classes at my studio
Ballet is women in tutus and men with their balls hanging out

If they put some pants or at least pantaloons on the men it would be more popular with regular guys, Although women and gays would probably be angry.

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